Food & Beverage Processing

Resdev’s Pumadur polyurethane resin flooring systems offer the ideal solution for food and beverage manufacture including food processing plants, bakeries, abattoirs, meat processing areas, dairies, breweries, farm shops and kitchens.

See how this company installed our Pumadur system on their food production flooring to enhance the look and improve hygiene levels.


From heavy duty screeds and self smoothing systems through to coving and wall renders, the Pumadur range is designed to meet the demands of the food industry including requirements for tanked and boxed wet areas, refrigeration and freezer flooring. Pumadur HF and Pumadur RT heavy duty polyurethane flooring systems can also be steam cleaned at a thickness of 9mm.

Resin Flooring Products For The Food Industry Brochure
Pumadur Chemical Resistance Chart